So I'm not going to write to much about this, just cause I haven't sat down and really listened to it, I'm on my second listen right now, and to be honest, I feel that there is a lot more hype over this album then it is worth. There hasn't been anything that has blown me away with the album. The lyrics that Tobin has come up this time run very close to what Mike from Holly writes about (and come on you name one of your songs D.R.U.G.S. really...) BUT Tobin does not have the same deliverance and passion behind then what he is singing. If you are going to try and mimic something like that make sure you have the backing power. When it comes to the music, there are A LOT more dynamics and thought out parts compared to their last album The Fanciful but nothing that has given me chills or blows me away, which sucks. Finally after all the time these guys have been a band they finally have one of the most solid teams behind them and it seems like they have lost their drive and started to get lazy. I know a hand full of bands that if they were given this opportunity they would have run with it and brought something to the table that the scene did not see coming.
All in all I know that the kids are going eat this up when it first comes out but once the same kids find something that has more to offer and more of a want to better the scene, they are going to forget about this album and pass their new love on to everyone, to anyone reading this I STRONGLY SUGGEST DANCING WITH PARIS and not just cause they are my boys but because they are thinking outside the box and have just dropped an EP that has something for everyone on it. And if given the opportunity would slay D&D very night on tour, maybe not in playing, but in the way that kids will go away talking about them rather then Dead And Divine.
Again this is what I think and I know that a lot of people will agree with me but won't speak up and say so, so don't worry I just did for you.

Dead And Divine - The Machines We Are
Release: August 4th 2009
The Sugar Sickness
Chemical Valley
Neon Jesus
For Your Health
Mechanical Orchestra
Lovely Bones
Cassandra Syndrome