Alright, before I get into the tracks, IF YOU ARE ON ON EAST COAST GET OUT AND SEE THESE GUYS AND SHOW THEM YOUR DANCING FINGERS. You will only get that after you see them live or if you have seen them live before. Over the past year these guys have been hitting the Southern Ontario scene hard, sharing stages/halls with bands like Farewell To Freeway,Kingdoms, Dead And Divine and the list goes on.
I First saw these guys back at Indie Week 2007 and didn't know what to think of it at first. This what went through my head. Some bearded man shouting, not yelling or screaming, shouting through out the whole set, with the occasional soft soothing vocals from the baby faced guitarist and poster boy bassists (GO AND SEE THEM LIVE AND YOU WILL KNOW). But then all of a sudden the other guitarist busts out a bow and starts playing his guitar (WHAT?). So as you can see a little confusing at first but what there's more! The next think I see is a curly afro bouncing up and down from behind a keyboard, and a dude in the back (behind all the amps) with some sort of light board on shaking a tambourine, and when it comes to the back bone of the band, ask him about his tats, I know I did!
Reading that you must be thinking what do these guys sound like? "Looking at the bands that they have played with they MUST be heavy", well think again, they are a soothing, calm, energy driven band. Dueling leads, catchy riffs, epic periods, and chant along parts (just to name a few). If you don't know them take a listen to their EP "Hold Me, In The Wind, My Friend" to get a sense of the band and from there move to the Demo. For all you LSM lovers you are going to love these two songs! At one point it almost sounds like (in Candles) they use part of a vocal melody from Spice Girls' "Viva Forever" (fuck ya)!
Take a listen and once again IF YOU ARE ON THE EAST COAST(or on the way out to the east coast)GO OUT AND SEE THIS GUYS!!

Released: March 3rd 2009
With Rain

Lifestory:Monologue - Hold Me, In The Wind, My Friend
Released: October 26th 2007
Dancing & Kisses
Wolves Behind Me
Sway The Stalks
Rejoice, Rejoice
1 comment:
Hey Susan
Thanks for reading, sorry for the lack of content recently and please let others know about the blog!!
Thanks again!
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