So this is the first EP that Dancing With Paris have ever released and with my help, as well as many other people that have becoming part of the DWP family. With the EP only being out a little less then two months these guys have already starting to stir up things in the Ontario hardcore scene. They have had a lot of comparison to Straight Reads The Line, to the point that people have asked them if Blake is the singing in the band, Holly Springs, Deftones, Vanna... yes all these bands are in a similar genre but the things that is setting Dancing With Paris apart from every other band out there is they way they mix everything together.
There really is something for everyone on this EP. It's got your full range of scream (high, lows, mids) some Fall Out Boy sing-a-long parts, breakdowns that make you question, what just happened, slow dance sections (go and see them live and you will understand that a little better) dance beats, equine cover art and the list can go on. A couple cool featured that the EP has is each song has it's own cover and the guys have been getting some great complements on it, and I'm sure it won't be the end of it. Also if you listen to the EP on an iPod Touch of iPhone you'll get an extra treat, click on the cover art while you are listening to it and you'll see what I'm talking about!!
So I can't really review this cause it would be supper bias, but I will say that I have put A LOT of overtime hours into this project and hope that everyone that downloads this enjoys it as much as I do, even after listening to it as many times as I have! All I ask for is, if you like this ep, PLEASE PASS THE IT ON TO EVERY OTHER PERSON YOU THINK WILL LOVE IT! Dancing With Paris have started to stir the water and soon everyone will see what what actually is in the water.
Sorry again for the lock of content over the summer, but I'll get back into putting stuff up you everyone, until next time, learn to love this EP!!

Dancing With Paris - There's Something In The Water
Release: July 8th 2009
Sand Castles
Bled Dry
Orange County
Hardwalk (Of Champions)
There's Something In The Water
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