So my last post about these guys they were doing great for themselves, an unsigned band that was really talking the Ontario scene by storm, well now a few months later they really haven't slowed down. Might as well give you a run down like last time ;0b
- Last spring they headed out on their first East Coast tour with Farewell To Freeway, Greeley Estate, and FACT
- Took a little brake from shows to play all the major festivals in Ontario, Cutting Edge Music Festival, Rock The Mill, Scenefest
- In July they announced that Underground Operation picked them up (that really wasn't a surprise)
- They are now out on tour on their fist CD Release tour with The Oxford Street Montage. Which they will join Silverstein on their last leg of their Cross Canada Tour, so out east watch on you are in for a treat once again.
- Looking to continue to be on the road once they are back from out east.
Once again these guys aren't bad off at all and congrats once again to everything that they have accomplished over the past year. It's almost been a year since Atlantis (October 3rd) has been up for free download and they have been on the scene.
I know that I usually right something about the way the album feels, what I don't like, what is awesome, but seeing how this is really just a re-release I'm not going to repeat my self (click here if you want to see what I thought of it. The only thing that I would say is in 'Split The Sky' I want to see if Hutton can hit the one held note around 3:20 in the song. It really sounds like he pushed his voice to the border of the braking point. Also the brake down at the end of the song, does anyone know who else uses that pattern? I have show it to a couple of people and we can't figure it out.
Well enjoy and go out see these guys and spread the love!

Kingdoms - Daughters of Atlas
Release: September 23rd 2009
Split The Sky
The Bitmore Hotel
Telegraph Static
La Serena