So far (and it isn't looking to good) the only tracks that I really keep going back to are "Years" and "Waking The Giant". In "Years" there is motion in the track, it isn't the same feel throughout the entire track with no dynamics; unlike the 5 songs before it. The last 1/3 has a killer lead tapping line that brings everything together for the final "chapter of the song". For me this is one of the stronger sections of the entire album and I wish that they had done something more with it, maybe a lead into the following track? For "Waking The Giant" it has a similar feel (you will notice this a lot throughout the album) as the last part of "Years" but isn't as captivating and ear pleasuring. It almost seems as though they came up with this section and couldn't put it to any other songs on the album so they made it into it's own instrumental track.
I touched about this above briefly but I feel that this album has a lot of reoccurring themes, parts, songs, throughout my listing time with it. I first noticed this after a couple times through, especially when you throw the album on loop. The first (No Fate, No End) and the last songs (Portrait) have a very identical chorus, I actually tried putting them back to back so I knew I wasn't going crazy. The way they change it up is in "No Fate, No End" they put a little break/groove in after the first time the chorus plays and then back into the chorus they go but the last chorus comes back to you (if you are listen to the album on loop or if you have listened the album a bunch). This is just one of the many things that you will start to notice once you give this album a solid listen, and makes a lot of the tracks mesh all into one track.
I really want to love this album but it just isn't happening for me, there isn't one track on here that has gave me chills or turned my head. I look back and remember the first track I heard from these guys (In These Wounds) it had it all the drive, the emotion in everything, each track you could tell everyone stood 100% behind it. Again listening back through that entire EP every track has that same feel, but there are ten-thousand more things happening throughout the EP, if you haven't heard their first EP let me know and I'll hook you up. I'm really not a hater of these guys and gal, they all are killer people and have done A LOT for the Canadian hardcore/post-hardcore, whatever you want to call it scene and I respect them for everything they have done. To me it looks like once they got signed to Victory (and amazing on them) that Victory looks at it's bands for quantity vs quality and this album looks like they went that route (like they do with a lot of other bands), it seems rushed and not enough song structure lovin' was put into it. Everything else is there, production, levels, performance (I would have liked a little more of their live feel like on In These Wounds) but it is missing that chill factor that gets me and other people digging bands, but I guess Only Time Will Tell how this album is taken.
I could be wrong about all this and you might think that this is the best thing that they have released to date, take a listen and you be the judge. Who knows live this stuff might slay, and speaking of live; EAST COAST they are head out your way right now with Kingdoms and Greeley Estates then it's WEST COAST lovin! So look out for them and when they do hit your town/city go out peep the show tell me how this stuff is live, I didn't get a chance to catch them when they pasted through Toronto.
ENJOY and support these guys however you support your favorite bands or bands in your scene (suggestions, buy music, merch, go to shows, give them a meal, a place to lay their head, there are some ideas)

Farewell To Freeway - Only Time Will Tell
Release Date: April 14th 2009
No Fate, No End
The Last Thing I’ll Ever Say
Smoke Signals
When We Hit The Ground
The Dude
Here As One
Waking The Giant
Cemetary Dates
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